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in UTalk Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:36 am
by gsnoopy520 • 204 Posts

Writing for your blog can be a part-time or full-time job. Whether you are paying a professional blog writer or writing the content yourself you want to make sure you get the most out of the resources you have devoted to your blog.

Multi-purposing your blog content is a good way to maximize the value of your efforts. You may not think about blog content as something that can be multi-purposed but it certainly can and likely should be.

Adding Content to Your Blog

The first thing you want to do is add the newly written content to your blog. Google Evgenii Dadonov Panthers Jersey , Yahoo and the other search engines typically give the most value to the first place content is added. You want the most value to be your blog so make sure you post your content there first.

Once you have added the content to your blog you want to wait to confirm it has been indexed by Google, Yahoo and Bing. You do this by doing a search for the title of your blog and seeing if your blog comes up in the search results.

If your blog posting has been indexed you can distribute the posting in other ways including on article distribution websites, social bookmarking sites, social media sites and your own e-mail marketing database.

Content Distribution

Before you begin distributing the content you may want to consider making some simple changes to the content so it is not identical to the content on your blog. You should also consider getting your newly added content licensed with Creative Commons in order to protect yourself from duplicate content issues.

The most important places to distribute your blog content is on social media sites like Facebook Vincent Trocheck Panthers Jersey , social bookmarking sites like Stumble Upon and article distribution sites like Ezine Articles.

Consider Derivative Works

Using derivative works can eliminate any concerns of having content identical to content that will appear on other web pages. If you distribute derivative versions of your content you eliminate any duplicate content concerns.

Derivative works are similar but not identical to the original content created for your blog. You can change the introductory paragraph, concluding paragraph and some words in each sentence and distribute it without any concern about duplicate content.

Go ahead and multipurpose your blog content. If you do it properly you can make sure you are getting maximum value out of your blog resources.

Blog Style and Tone

The style and tone you use on your blog is important. Not every blog will have or should have the same style and tone. Both the tone and style of your blog is determined by your topic and your target market.

For the most part blogs should be conversational in tone. You want people to feel comfortable on your blog and not feel that they are being lectured to or "spoken" down to. The more conversational in tone your blog is the more comfortable your followers will feel.

Of course, this does not mean that every blog should be casual in nature. Do not confuse conversational with casual. Though it is perfectly acceptable for some blogs to be casual in tone, not all blogs should be.

Take for example blogs by professionals such as doctors and lawyers. Though the style of the blog should be conversational in tone Aleksander Barkov Panthers Jersey , the style should not be too casual. Consumers expect a professional to remain professional without being didactic.

Slang, Expletives and Humor

The use of slang is often considered casual. Though this is appropriate for some blogs it is typically not acceptable for corporate blogs. You want to be conversational without crossing the line and becoming overly casual. Avoid the use of slang on professional blogs.

Expletives are never appropriate for corporate or professional blogs. You should avoid them at all costs. In fact you should avoid using any inflammatory language on your blog including racial slurs, slurs about gender, sexual orientation Jared McCann Youth Jersey , political affiliation, disability or religion.

Humor is certainly something you can use on a blog including professional and corporate blogs. Humor can be appropriate but again do not use humor based on gender, race, sexual orientation Jamie McGinn Youth Jersey , religion, disability, etc.

Put the Conversation in Conversational

Your blog should invite commentary from your readers. Invite them into the conversation and you will get many more loyal followers. You may have heard of the expression Web 2.0. This basically refers to user-created content and experiences. As a blogger you are engaging in a Web 2.0 environment if you invite input from your readers.

It is important to let your readers know the rules for commenting on your blog. You can specifically forbid flaming (attacking other readers); abusive language; expletives, etc. It is perfectly acceptable for you to expect your readers'' comments to fit the style and tone you set up for your blog. Diets Are Important But Not Key to Running Exercise Sports Articles | May 8 Radim Vrbata Youth Jersey , 2011
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